

文化財分類: 史跡
所在地: 屏東県屏東市勝豐里謙仁巷23号
登録告示年月日: 2021/09/22
経緯度: 120.49155,22.66744
指定機関: 屏東県



屏東県の宗聖公祠は昭和2年(1927年)から昭和4年(1929年)まで、2年の時間をかけて建設されました。もともとは万年渓の畔に位置しましたが、次第に周囲に建物が立ち並び、万年渓からは隔てられてしまいました。とはいえ、正方形の宗聖公祠の敷地は配置も整っており、入り口から奥に向かって西洋式牌楼、広場、宗祠本体、そして建物の後方に土を盛ってつくられた化胎(屋敷の背後にある丘のようなもの)と続いています。 宗聖公祠の配置は客家の邸宅建築の思想をよく体現しています。南向きであること、二庁二横屋(中央2棟、左右2棟)の建物配置、宗祠の背後にある化胎、宗祠の祭壇下の座頭龍、拝亭、前庁、門楼、半月池から万年渓に至るまで、完全な軸線をなしているのは、伝統的な客家の風水の考え方が反映されたものです。



The "Zongsheng Taoist" plaque presented by the poet Zeng Qiutao from the bamboo moat in 1929 (AD 1929)
A plaque dedicated to
A plaque dedicated to "Tian Jing Di Yi" by Zeng Baochen, the leader of the construction of the Ancestral Temple
The pagoda on the Xishi ridge is also decorated with cut and glue, and the tiles and drips below have another style of
The pagoda on the Xishi ridge is also decorated with cut and glue, and the tiles and drips below have another style of "Zeng"
The calligraphy in the Zong-Sheng-Gong Memorial is very impressive, and there are also rare bamboo leaf scripts.
The calligraphy in the Zong-Sheng-Gong Memorial is very impressive, and there are also rare bamboo leaf scripts.
The green glazed tiles that are bundled by the tube tiles have the words
The green glazed tiles that are bundled by the tube tiles have the words "Zeng" on them, and the dripping water has the words "ancestral hall"
The Zong-Sheng-Gong Memorial is named after Zhongshu Hall. In the Analects of Confucius, Zeng Zi said:
The Zong-Sheng-Gong Memorial is named after Zhongshu Hall. In the Analects of Confucius, Zeng Zi said: "The benevolent is loyal and forgiving."
The wooden structure of Sanchuan Hall was designed by Ye Jinwan, with three links, five melons and four buckets. This is his masterpiece in his later years. The paintings on the Tongliang are the works of Chen Yufeng, a famous teacher in Tainan
The wooden structure of Sanchuan Hall was designed by Ye Jinwan, with three links, five melons and four buckets. This is his masterpiece in his later years. The paintings on the Tongliang are the works of Chen Yufeng, a famous teacher in Tainan
The ridge tops and front ridges of the three rivers in the lobby are decorated with cut glue, the top of the ridge is decorated with double dragon beads, and the ridge is decorated with the Eight Immortals.
The ridge tops and front ridges of the three rivers in the lobby are decorated with cut glue, the top of the ridge is decorated with double dragon beads, and the ridge is decorated with the Eight Immortals.
The double lion archway was built by washing stones, and the eagle logo below symbolizes the ambition of Honghu
The double lion archway was built by washing stones, and the eagle logo below symbolizes the ambition of Honghu

